Aunty Vicki McKenna
Head of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lived Experience Centre Black Dog Institute
Vicki McKenna is an experienced personal and professional speaker. Most recently, Vicki has presented at the National Lived Experience Summit (Roses in The Ocean, Hobart 2023), , Australian Indigenous Psychologists Association Conference (Brisbane 2023), Gayaa Dhuwi Annual Conference (Melbourne 2023) and The Mental Health Services Conference (Adelaide, 2023). Vicki is a celebrated and respected Cultural leader, First Nations Advocate, and expert voice in suicide prevention, across her community in the Kimberley (WA) and the First Nations social and emotional wellbeing sector across the Continent. Notably, Vicki was awarded the ‘National Innovation’ and ‘Priority Populations’ Excellence in Suicide Prevention LiFE Awards (2023), by Suicide Prevention Australia.