National Mental Health Commission: We are pleased to announce Mr David Butt, CEO, National Mental Health Commission as a Keynote Speaker at The 17th International Mental Health Conference to be held at the brand new Sea World Resort Conference Centre on the Gold Coast, QLD from the 11 -12 August 2016.
David Butt will be speaking on; ‘Consensus statement on identification and care for the physical health of people with a mental illness’.
We know that people with a mental illness die younger – between 10 and 32 years earlier – than the general population. They have higher rates of physical illness, yet lower rates of getting the hospital and other health care services they need. People with psychotic illness have diabetes at three times the rate of the general population, which is further compounded by higher rates of obesity. We also know that much of the link between mental illness and poor physical health is preventable.
The Commission’s work on the National Consensus Statement on Identification and Care for the Physical Health of People with a Mental Illness will be presented.
The Consensus Statement will address the physical health needs of people with mental illness through a national approach. With an emphasis on primary health care (and applied across the health system), it has potential to reduce variation and often-siloed approaches to treatment and care of mental ill health and physical ill health. Ultimately it will increase both life expectancy and quality of life through improved health care provision and management. This is central to the Commission’s recommendations of a person-centred approach to mental health care, and the development of integrated care pathways to improve outcomes for people experiencing mental ill health and their families.
David Butt was appointed CEO of the National Mental Health Commission in January 2014.
David has 30 years of experience in the health system, much of it at CEO and Executive level.
Prior to his appointment to the Commission, David was Deputy Secretary of the Australian Department of Health from August 2011, head of Rural and Regional Health Australia, and the Commonwealth’s first Chief Allied Health Officer.
This followed 15 years as CEO of three major health system organisations: Chief Executive of Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Health and Community Care, National CEO of Little Company of Mary Health Care (the Calvary group – one of Australia’s largest not for profit hospitals and health services providers) and CEO of the Australian General Practice Network.
Prior to this David worked as an executive in a number of positions in Queensland Health, including as Executive Director of Policy and Planning and for a brief time as Regional Director of Peninsula and Torres Strait health region.
National Mental Health Commission The 17th International Mental Health Conference; Guiding the Change will be held at the brand new Sea World Resort Conference Centre on the Gold Coast, QLD from the 11 -12 August 2016.
This conference will bring together leading clinical practitioners, academics, service providers and mental health experts to deliberate and discuss Mental Health issues confronting Australia and New Zealand.
The conference program will be designed to challenge, inspire, demonstrate and encourage participants while facilitating discussion. To register your attendance at the conference CLICK HERE.