Blog - The Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association

7 Exercises to Boost Your Mental Health

Written by Contributor | Oct 1, 2021 12:30:00 AM

Taking the time to look after your mental health is an essential aspect of living a good life. If you make a conscious effort to keep your mind and emotions in a healthy state, you will feel more confident, and may find yourself more willing and able to try new things and take on new responsibilities.

Mental health exercises just take a few minutes, if not seconds, to help you keep balanced and focused throughout the day.

The mental health benefits of doing activities to boost mental and physical health can result in improved mood, sleep, and greater alleviation of stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms. Being physically active does not have to entail participating in sports or going to the gym. There are many methods to be active; select one that suits you, and let's all get moving.

In this article, let's learn about some exercises to boost our mental health.

Take a Few Slow, Deep Breaths

Deep breathing is a simple and effective method for reducing stress and regaining mental control. Sit down and take a few deep, deliberate breaths if you're feeling stressed at work or somewhere else. Inhale deeply until you feel your diaphragm expand, then gently exhale. You can concentrate on your breathing by counting to five or ten as you inhale and then counting to five or ten as you exhale.


Yoga combines body and mind, which is one of the key reasons it helps us achieve improved mental health; however, it also works well when combined with talking therapy and meditation.

There are many different styles of yoga these days, but they all share the basic notion that we must balance our yin and yang energies (our more gentle and strong energies) and work with our bodies to achieve overall health and wellbeing. Yoga is the best exercise for mental health.

Use of Workout Equipment

It is very important to choose the right workout equipment for the right exercise as if you do not use the correct workout machine during the exercise that you want to do, you will not get the proper results. It will ultimately affect your mental health. Hence, your mental health will be affected by choosing the wrong workout equipment.

Stretch While Standing

When you work in an office, you may only have a limited amount of time to move and exercise during the day. Because it makes you feel trapped, angry or cuts into your attention, this can raise worries about your physical and emotional health.

Standing up and stretching on a daily basis is a simple method to overcome the issue of staying focused throughout the day. You should stand up every half hour or 15 minutes for a brief length of time. Stretching keeps your circulation working, and standing breaks up your day's monotony. If you have some free time, go for a little walk around your office.

Socialise With People

Even if you're a total introvert, seeking out social contacts can benefit your brain in the short and long run. Signing up for volunteer activities in your community, joining a club, joining a neighborhood walking group, and staying in touch with friends and family are all good ways to be socially connected.

Make Your Objectives Attainable

Setting a goal provides you direction, but it can also bring stress if you don't achieve it. Set realistic goals that allow you to complete a task in a reasonable amount of time. You want a clear course with a timeframe that you can stick to, but not so much time that you can procrastinate. For example, if you know a task would take at least one week to complete, give yourself that time instead of setting a goal of completing the activity in three days. Set attainable goals for yourself.

Play some music

Music has the capacity to change your mental health and outlook quickly. When you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious, put on a favorite uplifting song or listen to relaxing classical music. You can download music to your phone and listen to it whenever you like during your break.


No matter your age, focusing on your brain health is one of the most effective ways to increase your concentration, focus, memory, and mental agility. You'll be challenging your mind, sharpening your cognitive skills, and potentially learning something new and enriching along the way if you incorporate brain workouts into your daily life.

This article was kindly written and contributed by Dea Styles.