Every year, the Helpline takes thousands of calls from people in rural and remote Australia who are worried about their own mental health, or that of a family member or friend.
The call might be about a daughter exhibiting signs of what might be a psychosis. It might be about a boyfriend who is depressed and suicidal. All calls are logged on our database, and while these records are anonymous, they include demographic data so that calls from rural and remote areas of the country can be aggregated and compared with national trends.
This data forms a rich resource of information about mental health needs in rural and remote Australia.
Analysis of the SANE Helpline database enables us to answer these questions and others, providing a finely-tuned, valuable image of mental health needs in rural and remote Australia based on the the actual experience of thousands of callers.
Dr Paul Morgan, Deputy CEO of SANE Australia will present at the:
4th Australian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium to be held on the 19 - 21 November 2012, Adelaide, South Australia.
Web: https://dev3.anzmh.asn.au/rrmh Email: ruralhealth@anzmh.asn.au