Child Wise is one of Australia’s leading not-for-profit child abuse prevention organisations. We work to build awareness, deliver education, and provide the tools to empower individuals and communities around Australia so they can actively prevent child abuse and keep children safe.
In Australia, Child Wise pioneered the use of child safety standards within organisations where children and young people spend time. Based on the principles of capacity building and prevention, Child Wise uses three methods to engage with and support organisations in building and sustaining child safe culture: Coaching, Consulting and Accreditation.
The Child Wise approach is rigorous, collaborative and tailored to the specific needs of organisations. The CCA program draws upon current research whilst integrating key messages from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, the Betrayal of Trust Enquiry (State Government of Victoria); the Child Protection Systems Royal Commission (State Government of South Australia).
Child Wise works in partnership with child-focused organisations to assess policies, procedures, systems and strategies. Child Wise also seeks the views of children, young people, parents, carers, volunteers, employees and leaders, in order to gain an in depth understanding of organisational culture and shape solutions that can deliver sustained improvements.
The Council of Australian Governments endorsed 10 National Principles for Child Safe Organisations to ensure the safety of children in organisations across Australia. When assessing organisational child safety, Child Wise applies a holistic approach that considers legislation and reporting processes, policies and procedures, recruitment, screening, risk management and culture. We also consider the representation of children’s best interests in decision-making and their ability to access resources and information and provide feedback.
If you want to know more about how our experienced advisors can help your organisation become child safe, do not hesitate to get in touch with us directly by emailing us at or calling us on 1300 244 539.
For QLD or NT related queries, please contact our Child Wise Manager Angela Jegou at