Blog - The Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association

6 Actionable Ideas to Improve Your Mental Health

Written by Brittany George | Jan 7, 2021 3:35:06 AM

Mental health is the overall well-being and mental status of a human being. You need to be mentally and physically healthy to work effectively. The way you deal with others, your ability to perform everyday task efficiently and your ability to manage your feelings.

Taking care of your mental health is very important. It helps you stay focused on your goals and achieve more. It might include seeking help from a professional, asking for emotional support from your friends, family, emotional support animal (ESA doctors review can help you choose one for yourself). These truly help in improving your mental health.

There are many ways through which you can improve your mental health without compromising your personality.

6 Ideas to Improve Your Mental Health

Although there are many ways to improve your mental health status, it is not sure that one idea that works for others might work for you too. Your reason for a disturbed mind can be different. Therefore, you need to figure out what will help you to cope up with a given situation. Let’s discuss some realistic and actionable ideas to improve your mental status and well-being.

Prioritise Self-Care

Self-care is one of the biggest life-changing experiences. You cannot imagine what loving yourself can do to our mind and body. Most of the time, we do not take care of ourselves. We are so busy with life going on around us that we do not find time to invest in ourselves.

Take care of yourself. Focus on how you communicate with others, and find time to invest in activities beneficial to your mental health.

Shift to a Positive Mindset

Thinking is directly related to your emotional health. Try to keep away from negative thoughts. Stay away from things that harm your emotions. Remember that you are a human being, you can make mistakes.

Do not punish yourself over small mistakes. Think positive and stay positive. Find something to laugh or smile about every day. Practice gratitude and celebrate your accomplishments.

Practice Mindfulness

Learn to accept your emotions and cherish them. You can be sad and depressed sometimes and it’s okay. Accept what you feel as a temporary feeling only.

Jotting down your feelings, thoughts and even tasks left undone can help you harness some control and feel more grounded.

Try Meditation

Meditation is the key to a peaceful life. It allows you to relive all the tension and stress. It helps you stay calm and focused on your goal. There are many ways to meditate - simply choose any that suits you.

Meditation is most effective when you wake up or before going to bed - and with routine practice, you will definitely feel a positive change in your life.

Exercise Daily

Another activity you can undertake is to exercise regularly. Start with light bodyweight exercises. Make sure that you progress to other exercises as well, as they will help to relieve tense muscles.

Exercise releases endorphins that are the 'happy hormones'. This will help you with overall mental health and wellness.

See More

Sometimes a change of the place brings about a huge change in your life. Travelling allows you to stay mentally happy and healthy. You get to explore various places.

Research suggests that planning a vacation and travelling can increase your overall happiness as you anticipate your trip. Despite travel restrictions, you can still plan a local getaway or camping trip!

The Bottom Line

Mental health is a serious global issue. Mere diagnosis won’t help in overcoming this situation. Thus, you need to take proper care of your mind as you take care of your body. Stay away from things that force you to think negatively. Learn to say no to people. Sleep more and worry less. Moreover, talk to others about your mental health. Seek emotional support from your friends, family or even an ESA.

This article was kindly written and contributed by Eliza Megan.