Blog - The Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association

ANZMHA Podcast: Emily Unity

Written by Lorien Stoetzel | Sep 19, 2022 11:10:26 PM

For mental health to progress, we must continually strive for greater visibility, and have all voices heard, recognised, and encompassed within practice.

This week’s guest Emily Unity is a mental health professional, software developer, and multidisciplinary creative. They are also a queer, culturally diverse, and neurodiverse young person.

With a diverse portfolio in the mental health and human rights sector, focusing on marginalised and minority communities, Emily has worked across the sector including with organisations including headspace, Orygen, Beyond Blue, the Royal Children's Hospital, and the National Mental Health Commission.

Emily has lived experience of mental health challenges, homelessness, suicide, and self-harm, being a young carer, neurodiversity, LGBTIQA+, having a disability, and being from a refugee and migrant background. They were recently inducted into the Victorian Multicultural Honor Roll, a finalist in the Disability Leadership Awards, and appointed the Mental Health Advocate of the Year.

Emily endeavours to use both their professional and lived experience to help advocate for a world for all people, regardless of background, identity, or neurodiversity. They join me today to explore elements of personal experience, self-identity, and their work highlighting the lived and living experiences of multicultural people with Multicultural Minds.