Blog - The Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association

ANZMHA Podcast: Rosemary Wanganeen

Written by Lorien Stoetzel | Mar 28, 2023 12:29:41 AM

As a Griefologist, Rosemary is a specialist.  She is a qualified educator & assessor, program designer and facilitator, loss & grief counsellor, public speaker and a published author.   

The foundation to these abilities derives from her lived experiences of grieving through her personal loss and grief from 1987-1992.  During her personal grieving journey she set up the Sacred Site Within Healing Centre in 1993. 

Rosemary is a proud South Australian Aboriginal woman with ancestry and ancestral links to Kaurna of the Adelaide Plains and Wirringu from the West Coast. After the death of their beloved mother, Rosemary and six of her eight siblings became part of the Stolen Generation. It’s a traumatic story, but by reconnecting with her Spiritual Ancestors, Rosemary managed to survive the many years of loss, grief and fear. 

This episode talks about everything from Plato, to grief, to Rosemary’s personal experiences, what inter-generational grief looks like today and how First Nations people can start to heal through Griefology. 

Welcome Rosemary.