Blog - The Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association

Brain Function and Mood: How to Influence Your Wellbeing

Written by Brittany George | Aug 3, 2020 1:09:43 AM

How do you define your wellbeing? Is it the absence of diseases or illnesses? Various scientific studies have defined wellbeing as a complex combination of a human being’s physical, mental, and emotional health factors. Wellbeing is linked to happiness and satisfaction in life. In short, wellbeing is all about how you feel about yourself.

The National Institute of Mental health reports that more than 50 percent of the US population suffers from a mental health issue at one point in their lives. Since people don’t want to be seen as abnormal or different, fewer than 25 percent ever seek help when suffering from mental health problems.

There’s nothing wrong with having a mental health issue. A mental health issue is similar in many ways to a physical health issue. Therefore, if you’ve been trying to overcome a mental health issue, there’s hope if you seek help and adopt the right methods. Today we are going to share with you some of the best tips that will help you lead a healthy and happy life. Let’s get started!

1. Love yourself

Your wellbeing is greatly determined by how you think of and treat yourself. The outer world will always reflect your inner world. If you are always blaming and criticizing yourself, it will be very difficult to boost your self-esteem.

People with low self-esteem don’t like themselves. They are always angry and irritable; making them lash out at the people around them including their loved ones. And when people don’t like being around them, they start feeling isolated thus resulting in a host of physical and mental health issues.

To lead a healthy and happy life, you have to accept yourself the way you are. Embrace your strengths and weaknesses. One of the best ways to improve your self-esteem and confidence is by saying yourself, “I like myself” all day long. When you like yourself, people will respond to you positively.

2. Exercise regularly

Physical exercise is one of the best things you can do to keep your mind active and healthy. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain. And blood carries lots of essential nutrients that improve the health of your brain cells. If you don’t like lifting weights or running, a light jog or a 30-minute walk is enough to clear your mind, improve your mood, and manage your weight.

3. Relax

In a world where there are lots of activities to be done at any one time, it’s important to take some time to unwind and relax. Working hard all the time can lead to stress, burnout, and low performance.

Remember, relaxing is just as important as working. Taking your time to relax reduces anxious feelings, improves mood, and helps you recover your lost energies which play a critical role in your overall productivity and performance. You can learn to relax by meditating, practicing yoga, or getting a massage.

4. Join a community

Having a community that supports you is critical to your mental health. Most of these communities are a call or email away. Spending time with other like-minded people will help you connect and build strong relationships which will improve your social life. You’ll also form healthy habits which will improve your overall health.

5. Engage in outdoor activities

All human beings have to engage in outdoor activities for their wellbeing – especially those who spend a lot of time alone. Whether you enjoy horseback riding, hiking, taking a walk, or biking with friends, spending time outdoors will have a positive effect on your vitality. Exposing yourself to natural sunlight and fresh air will boost vitamin D3 levels and improve your mood.

6. Open up

The majority of people around the world usually feel uncomfortable expressing themselves. Opening up about your issues will help you calm down and solve problems effectively. As the popular saying goes, a problem shared is a problem half-solved. Talking to someone you trust such as a therapist or support group will help you come up with brilliant ideas to resolve your issues.


Sacrificing your sleep can have a great impact on your mental wellbeing. Research studies show that three in ten people in the UK have sleeping issues. One of the reasons why people sacrifice their sleep is because they think they’ll improve their productivity. The majority of successful people around the world boast of their ability to sleep two to four hours every night. This is terrible advice!

An average adult needs between six to eight hours of sleep every night to function at an optimal level. If you find yourself struggling to concentrate or feeling irritable for no reason, chances are you’re having sleeping issues.

You can eliminate these issues by creating a bedtime routine. Relax before going to bed by keeping all electronics away and reading a book, listening to soft music, taking a bath, or doing some relaxation exercises. You can also journal to clear your mind.

If your problems persist, you should seek help. Your doctor will diagnose and discover underlying causes and possible solutions that you should implement.

8. Eat nutritious foods

The food you eat affects your overall mood. Food affects blood sugar levels, mineral levels, chemicals released by your brain, and how you look. Your mood can be affected if you lack certain vitamins or minerals. It can also be affected by eating or drinking too much alcohol, caffeine, salt, and sugar.

You should consume healthy balanced diets as much as you can. Drinking enough water will help you avoid dehydration and other serious health issues. Consuming leafy vegetables and fruits regularly will boost your immunity and overall health. You should seek a dietician’s help to know what you should add or change in your diet.

9. Wealth is important but not the key

Money is important because it enhances the social status and improves living conditions. Your happiness can be linked to your income but only for a short period. While most people spend a lot of time working to build wealth, it’s not always the key to happiness and wellbeing.

It’s important to know that you can always be happy regardless of the stage you are in life. You don’t need a key to unlock your happiness because there is no door. Don’t believe that money will solve all your problems.

Don’t sacrifice your leisure activities or time with your loved ones to work. You’ll be disappointed if you are doing all these to enhance your wellbeing. Working too hard can reduce life satisfaction leading to anxiety and depression. You don’t have to sacrifice anything. Plan your days in advance and focus on one thing at a time.


Achieving wellbeing is easy. However, it takes time. You can start by making time for your loved ones, taking care of yourself, joining support groups near you, setting realistic goals, and being optimistic. It’s the little things in life that bring the greatest joy.


Alice Jones is a journalist and an essay writer at professional writing services and assignment helper. She is from San Francisco, CA. She graduated from the University of San Francisco and got a Master’s degree. Alice concentrated on such topics as business, marketing, and freelance.