Blog - The Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association

3 Reasons People Seem to Delay Looking After Their Mental Wellbeing

Written by Brittany George | Feb 22, 2021 2:06:05 AM

In recent years the social awareness of mental health has improved significantly, however it still has a long way to go. One of the biggest barriers we find is that people often wait to address their mental health until matters become overwhelming or are interfering with their ability to meet their obligations to work, family and friends.  

We don’t have to wait.   

At Accoras we are big believers in mental health early intervention.

Early intervention is about being early to address life’s concerns and take action when we face sudden or significant changes in our environment or our mood, helping us to prevent long-term illness and ultimately live a healthier and happier life.

Here are 3 of the biggest misconceptions surrounding mental health and early intervention.  

Misconception #1:

Early intervention is only for children

The Reality:

Early intervention is for all ages and stages of life. Stress and illness can be experienced no matter how old you are and we can always get in early to address the causes and further develop our resilience.

When we experience sudden changes in our mood or our surrounding environment, early intervention allows us to make small changes that can prevent big problems.

Misconception #2:

If you don’t have a mental illness, you are mentally healthy

The Reality:

Just like it is possible to be in poor physical condition but not have a disease or illness, it is possible to be struggling with your mental wellbeing but not have a mental illness.  Sometimes, early intervention means recognising things could be better than they are, then finding ways to promote improved mental health – like getting better quality sleep, exercising more, or practicing mindfulness or gratitude. 

Taking time to identify how you can improve your mental health is no different to taking steps to improve your physical fitness. 

Misconception #3:

Seeking help early-on is a sign of weakness

The Reality:

Speaking up and seeking support is actually very empowering! It is a sign of strength and personal awareness. People that seek help early on or reach out for early intervention support are less likely to need long-term support.  Early intervention reduces the duration and severity of mental illness. 

About Accoras

Accoras is a for-purpose organisation and registered charity with a range of programs delivered from nine sites across South East Queensland and Northern NSW. We have been helping people for over 25 years working towards our vision of good mental health for all through a range of early intervention support programs and services

Our services include: Child, Youth and Family Support Services, Employment Support, Psychology Services and Community Education Services. Visit: to learn more about early intervention and what we do.