Dr Andrew J. Greenshaw PhD
Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, University of Alberta, Canada
Dr. Andrew J. Greenshaw, University of Alberta Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, trained in Europe and Canada. Fellow of the Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CCNP), as President from 2000-2002, and the International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP), Andy served as University of Alberta Associate Vice President (Research) and as a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the CIHR Institute of Neuroscience Mental Health & Addiction. Andy is currently the Board Chair of Mental Health Research Canada and the Board Chair for Our House Addiction Recovery Centre. Andy engages in a broad set of research ranging from neuroscience to policy in mental health, with interests in AI and machine learning applications and e-health. As a founding member of the University of Alberta computational psychiatry group, working closely with members of the Alberta machine intelligence institute, Andy also serves as Scientific Director for the APEC Digital Hub for Mental Health and is a member of the Global Governance Council of eMHIC and an Oversees Director for the Kangning/Wenzhou/MU International Academician Work Station in Wenzhou.