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Originally from Sydney, residing in South Australia for 25 years, over 9 years living and working in regional and remote SA. Worked for Country Health SALHN Mental Health Services for 6½ years in a lived experience role. Co-Chair, SA OCP Lived Experience Advisory Group; MH Coalition SA Board Member: Co-Chair Governance Committee, Urgent Mental Health Care Centre: National Mental Health Consumer & Carer Forum consumer representative: Equally Well Alliance lived experience member: RANZCP Community Collaboration Committee Community Member (Lived Experience)

Equity and access to mental health care in rural and remote Australia and embedding and growing the lived experience (peer) workforce are issues I continue to advocate for. Partnering with people with lived experience is essential to the implementation of a human rights-based approach to the planning, design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of mental health services. People with lived experience, their carers/family members have a unique and significant insight which continues to be undervalued.