Advancing Mental Health Care for Rural & Remote Communities
Wednesday 3 November - Friday 5 November and Monday 8 November 2021
Striving for Equality
Unite with a community committed to advancing rural & remote mental health care.
Living and working in rural Australia can be a rich and rewarding way of life. However, factors such as geographic location, social isolation, and limited facilities can make it difficult for many to receive adequate mental health care.
When rural and remote mental health services are needed, they are often few and far between.
Gain practical solutions to improve mental health services in Australia’s rural and remote areas at the Australian Rural & Remote Mental Health Symposium.
What People Are Saying

Keynote Speakers

Dr Ruth Vine
Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Mental Health, Department of Health

Dr Leanne Beagley
CEO, Mental Health Australia

Associate Professor Dr Faye McMillan AM
Deputy National Rural Health Commissioner, Department of Health

Dr John Hurley
Professor of Mental Health, Faculty of Health, Southern Cross University, Fellow ACMHN

Dr Fiona Martin, MP
Chair, Select Committee on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention (Panel)

Ms Jo Rasmussen
Mental Health Data Analysis and Engagement Lead, Murray PHN

Mr Mark Roddam
First Assistant Secretary, Mental Health Division, Department of Health (Panel)

Mr Warren Davies
The Unbreakable Farmer

Hon David Coleman MP
Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Caring for our Rural & Remote Communities
This year’s symposium theme is Weathering the Storm: Reflecting On 2020 & Planning for What’s Next.
By sharing insight from research studies, industry practice and real-life experiences, we hope to improve the way we plan for, prepare, and provide mental health treatment to Australian’s living and working in rural and remote areas.
Apply to present and share your knowledge in areas including:
○ Building resilient and empowered communities
○ Meaningful consumer & carer participation
○ Delivering excellence differently
○ Integrating and coordinating care
The rate of suicide in rural and regional areas is about 40% higher than capital cities
91% of psychiatrists have their main practice in a major city
People in cities receive around 40% more mental health services than those in rural and remote areas

In less than 3 minutes you'll be closer to the knowledge you need to make an impact

Can't get to all the sessions? Relax. You'll gain access to all presentations post-event.

Gain the insight, advice and skills to advance mental health care for our rural and remote communities
Registration Options
$399 + GST
All sessions streamed via the OnAIR platform
Live Q&A opportunities for all keynote sessions
Access to all concurrent presentation recordings via digital library (provided 2-3 days post-event)
Access to exhibitors via digital platform
Hours towards CPD points
Certificate of attendance
Options to extend access to digital library will also be made available after 30 days.
Please fill in your details below to begin your registration.