3rd Australian Rural & Remote Mental Health Symposium
"Impacts & Outcomes" -
Mercure, Ballarat 14th – 16th November 2011
Delegates from over 100 regional and rural towns in Australia and New Zealand will
attend this years conference in Ballarat.
The Symposium will examine the mental health implications of;
- Social Change
- Financial Factors
- Environmental Adversities
These factors and others can severely impact on the mental health of individuals and
upon community functioning, cohesion, and resource availability.
1. What lessons can be learned from our response to these changes?
2. How can mental health professionals prepare themselves, their clients and their
communities, to deal more effectively with future negative occurrences in rural
and remote areas?
3. How can the resources of government, mental health professionals, emergency services
and private practitioners, be better utilised for optimal benefit?
I invite you to join me, together with the symposium committee, in learning what is being done
and what needs to be done to better meet the mental health needs of rural and remote populations.
You can view or download the program here.
I hope you can join us in historic Ballarat.
Kind Regards
Dr Norman Barling
Symposium Chair
Conference Secretariat
Australia and New Zealand Mental Health Association Inc
Ph: (61 7) 5502 2068
ABN: 24361935548 | IA36632