How To Manage Mental Health & Remote Working

The following article was written and contributed by Xavier James
The existence of Coronavirus has brought a prominent change in the lives of working adults and employees. While once you had to commute to the workplace, you can now work within the comforts of home. And, what a difference it is!
You can conserve the finances and energy spend on commuting. You can stay away from the hustle-bustle of colleagues and peers. You can log in to places and spend time as per your will.
Undeniably, the benefits of working from home are countless. But, lately, do you find negative emotions disrupting your thoughts? Does an overwhelmingly feeling of hopelessness and frustration dawn upon you? Are you irritated by the slightest of problems?
If so, then you need to check in with your mental health, my friend. You see, nothing in the world can have all the pros and no con. And the biggest drawback of remote work is a decline in mental health.
According to studies, some of the prominent mental issues experienced by remote workers are isolation, anxiety, stress, fear, and depression. Hence, if you find any of these issues developing, then you must concentrate on your mental well-being.
Continue reading to unravel some efficient ways to manage your mental health when working remotely!
Don’t Let the Line Between Work and Home Life Blur
Having the choice to organize the daily tasks as per your will is, perhaps, the best part of working remotely. You can do whatever whenever you want.

Unfortunately, this advantage quickly turns into a con when too much flexibility starts to blur the line between work and life. Managing work and getting the house chores done simultaneously can exhaust you mentally. You see, without a proper routine, you are likely to fall behind in both work and life.
Hence, it is an utmost necessity of a remote worker to craft a schedule that separates work hours from life hours. Dedicating a part of the day to work, as you did in the pre-COVID era, can help you achieve objectives efficiently. Plus, you’re mental well-being won’t have to experience unrequired stress and pressure.
Yes, You Need a Home Office
Even before the coronavirus, numerous employees were working remotely. A survey reveals that approximately 84% of the remote workers complete tasks at home.
You see, the freelancing industry was steadily growing in the pre-COVID era. And, the spread of the virus and lockdowns only contributed to its sudden growth.
So, considering the new work from the home norm, it is better to get a dedicated home office that allows you to maintain work-life balance efficiently. With a physical door, you can mentally log off and log into the work. It will recreate the office environment and improve your performance.
However, having a separate room build for home office purposes is not necessary. You can convert any free space into a home office. All you require is a wide desk to support your upper body and an ergonomic chair that soothes your lower back.
Keep Moving
Undeniably, it can become challenging for remote workers to drag themselves out of the comfort of their home office and remote work benefits. But, it’s important for both body and mind.
Regardless of the irresistible urge, you must get up and move. It can be as simplistic as walking from one room to another or stretching. According to a study, dedicating 20-30-minutes to exercise daily can stimulate feelings of happiness and reduce anxiety.
If circumstances allow, go out for a brisk walk or ride. Another study on Eco therapy reveals that pleasant outdoor things, such as greenery, can help your mind concentrate on positivity.
Spend Time with Friends & Family
It is easy to dodge any physical task, with a comforting home office and lots of time at disposal. You can spend hours working or scrolling down the browser. But, hey, too much time alone will feed mental problems, like anxiety, loneliness, and depression.
Hence, when working remotely, carve out some time from the schedule to meet your friends and beloved ones. Dedicate some time to people who make you uplifted and joyful. If you're skipping breaks because you’re away from friends and family and cannot spend time with them physically, then don't forget your online options. Conduct a video call, talk over chat or voice call, or perhaps, pull up a game of solitaire or chess. Remember, when it comes to loved ones, even the smallest of gestures can bring buckets of joy. So, don't ever hesitate!
Plus, you can also benefit from the co-working spaces that have become increasingly popular. Select a day on which you can go to these co-working spaces and get business done along with fellow remote workers.
A Word Called ‘No’
Freelancing and remote work allows you to double your productivity by completing more work projects than you would when working in an office. Hence, it is natural for us to do as much as possible. In some cases, people might work until sleep takes over their minds.
Continuing similar practices will only lead to mental exhaustion and burnouts. In the long-term, you will have to take more breaks to keep your mental well-being stable. Thus, eventually reducing your productivity.
Therefore, it is wiser to identify your limitations and address them. Instead of forcing yourself, respect the boundary, and allow yourself breaks. Accept only the quantity of project proposals that you can handle and say no to the rest.
We’re All in the Same Boat!
Mental health deterioration can trigger countless problems, such as anxiety and fear. Sometimes, these mental concerns become unmanageable. Hence, forcing people to seek refuge in medicinal drugs, like CBD. According to a survey, approximately 50% of CBD consumers use it to reduce anxiety!
Remote work can be challenging on your mental well-being, especially if you don't have a routine, workspace, and control on impulses. But know that you're not alone.
The arrival of coronavirus has changed things for all of us. Now, even the people who opposed the idea of remote work have to compromise with this new way of life.