The 2018 International Mental Health Conference is almost upon us again, this year the conference will be held over the 8th – 10th August at the RACV Royal Pines on the Gold Coast, Queensland.
This annual conference is now in its 19th year and continues to be the pinnacle event in the mental health industry. The Conference provides an invaluable opportunity to build relationships and to share knowledge, research and latest policies.
Miss Jessica Ingram, Project Officer at Everymind joins us at the conference to discuss ‘Life In Mind Australia’.
Suicide is a prominent public health concern that requires coordinated efforts from all levels of the mental health and suicide prevention sector. Funded under the Australian Government, Life in Mind is a new national communications initiative that connects organisations working in suicide prevention to services and programs, resources and the community.
The strength of Life in Mind comes from its development in conjunction with key agencies and organisations working within mental health and suicide prevention and broader community, including lived experience, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, LGBTI peoples and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The diversity of representation increases the quality of mental health and suicide prevention knowledge within the sectors and community.
The presentation will include an interactive tour through the Life in Mind online portal, as an example of e-mental health promotion. The presentation will highlight the value of e-mental health in providing a link for research, government and service providers to each other and the community. In addition, Life in Mind builds the capacity of the mental health sector workforce by providing a digital platform of evidence-based resources and tools, policy and regional strategies and gatekeeper training courses.
The presentation will explore the themes of mix method evaluation and the lessons learned, specifically exploring engagement of stakeholders and user experience of online platforms. Outcomes from the evaluation will be used to shape future directions and ensure Life in Mind responds to and supports mental health and suicide prevention in Australia.
Amanda McAtamney is a Project Lead on the Suicide Prevention team at Everymind, with a current focus on national leadership in the areas of media and communication about suicide. She has a Masters in Policy and Applied Social Research (Macquarie University) and has contributed to a range of national and state mental health and suicide prevention programs.
For further information on the 19th International Mental Health Conference and to secure your spot please visit