Ms Deborah Kennedy, Strategic Collaborations Manager at SuperFriend joins us at this years Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium to discuss Rural SuperSPAN Extending Suicide Prevention into the Financial Services Sector.

Ms Deborah Kennedy
SuperFriend is a national mental health promotion foundation that helps "all profit to member" superannuation funds promote and support improved mental health and well-being for their members. SuperFriend is a member of Suicide Prevention Australia'National Coalition for Suicide Prevention, and a member of the National Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance.
The presentation will be an outline of a project that SuperFriend is currently undertaking to increase the skills, abilities and self-care of financial services industry representatives that work closely with people in rural areas and are often the person to whom suicidal thoughts and plans are disclosed. The pilot project was undertaken in collaboration with key providers in the Suicide Prevention sector and a selected number Superannuation Fund Client Relationship Managers (CRMs)and Financial Planners. The presentation will identify role of the fund representatives who work in rural areas, and the pilot which is developing their ability to be part of a safety network in identify and early intervention for people at risk or experiencing suicidal ideation. The project is set firmly within the paradigm of increasing the whole community capability to prevent suicides. Additionally, as difficult conversations related to suicide are often an unavoidable element of the CRM role, the training and resources act as a risk management strategy for the personal wellbeing of the CRMs by reducing the associated stress risk.
The evaluation is utilising the Most Significant Change methodology which is currently identifying moving and powerful stories of change.
The presentation will focus strongly on the need fo community "actors" to work with existing service providers to establish information networks and links in local areas. The presentation will also include a short film of the two day workshop.
The 2016 Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium will be held at Mantra on Salt Beach, Kingscliff, NSW from 3 – 4 November 2016. This year’s symposium again provides opportunities to learn, discuss, workshop and network with others who share a passion for rural and remote mental health.
For further information and to secure your spot at the 8th Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium please visit the symposium website.