The Secret Life of a Manic Depressive

The following article was kindly written and contributed by Farhan Sajid.
One of the most sudden and unexpected effects of manic-depressive disease occurs when you are feeling the best. It comes actually at the time when you are very generous, kind, active, sharp, and the consultant guides you to have extra medication and stay in the hospital for a time, you feel much better. I have also read it that 'inspiration state' is when one thinks he/she is capable of doing anything and 'manic state' is when one believes he can do anything. Like all of the other, it also has another side of the coin and also has times when depression overcomes you, and these scenarios are so worst that you would never wish it to happen with even your enemies.
Being Surrounded by Manic
I always count myself in a few of them who fought bravely with this disease and overcome this by adapting firm nature and particular habits. I have suffered quite a long time with this disease, but with the support of family, health professionals, and friends, I was luckily able to stay compact in this condition. With the support of my loved ones somehow, I managed a peaceful environment and a happy life so far.
I was an 18 years old child who had just stepped in a mature period of life, and I felt that the psychological aspects of intensive training were going to hit me hard. Eccentric behavior of mine resulted in an unexpected and unconditional discharge. Within 36 hours, I was being searched across the wards of the hospital. Strongly affected by an uncertain condition, it was the start of a state of fear, frustration, and panic. My mind was unable to work properly, and capabilities were restricted in boundaries.
Supported by Health Workers
Psychiatrists interacted with me by asking about my details, including who I am, where I am from, why I am here, and much more. These questions were mostly discussed late at night over a pack of Marlboro cigarettes. I was never as numb and nervous in my whole life before and never ready for this situation. I struggled a lot mentally and physically both to identify the uncertain situation. There was a long-lasting war going on between good and bad in my ears. The Good Book was a source of inspiration for me and helped a lot in whole circumstances. I started praying for good as my entire life was depending on the current situation.
How I Overcome it
I had an astonishing collection of music, and it worked as a great source of comfort in these hard times. In this state of feeling, the songs or a particular portion of music were selected for me to listen and relate it with something special in my life.
Upon admission to the hospital, I thought that the situation was a test of my faith. There were also the bad times that made me feel like giving up - to end up, and to stop everything in my mind - but I somehow managed to fight with it and stayed strong. Although giving up was an easy option. There was also a time when everything seems beautiful and filled with love, but at the very same time I mostly broke due to extreme depression
Finally, I was well and in a state to resume my university. I also realised that I was wrong about my capabilities to be able to return back to my full-time study. I came back home at age twenty and managed to work - even earning a small amount of money relieved my pain and provided me with greater happiness. After a year, I worked for a renowned company, where I continued working for 11 years and also met my future wife.
Role of a Team/ Partner in Recovery:
A supportive team/partner has been a leading and pre-eminent factor in my life - someone who has played a vital role in bringing back my happiness and healthy life. Sometimes they also go through a state even worse than what I am going through. During the time, I joined the fire and rescue services as a fireman and stayed in the service for around 8 years. I was lucky enough to face the worst scenarios, and still, as a team, our actions were lifesaving for people. I also suffer some hardships at the start while becoming a fireman with my medical history, but I turn out to be a cooperative and efficient employer.
My Thoughts on Manic Depressive:
I have a strong belief that everybody suffering from a manic depressive or any other disease can work efficiently as an employer. Going through all this, we have to face the weaknesses and strengths of ourselves and overcome those deficiencies and be perfect and efficient.
Wrapping Up:
I am currently working as a consultant and has also joined a new company last year. It was always my wish to return something to the system that has facilitated me a lot in regaining my life.
I have a strong belief that those who are affected by mental illness issues are very worthy members of our society as they have the power to see beyond the virtual values of the majority. So they must be supported and guided with love and care in regaining their life and happiness back.