Providing free evidence based information that is timely, accessible and relevant
For the past 22 years, the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet (HealthInfoNet) has provided support to those working in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health sector by making research and other knowledge readily accessible. In this way, we contribute to closing the gap in health between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians. The HealthInfoNet online resource provides the knowledge and other information needed for health practitioners and policy makers to make informed decision in their work. There is a portal dedicated to Healing https://healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au/learn/health-topics/healing/ and cultural ways https://healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au/learn/cultural-ways/ We also have a new chat function across 21 health topics to stay connected watch this short video
In March 2020, with the increasing number of Australians being impacted by the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, the always responsive HealthInfoNet recognised the need to establish a COVID-19 Updates and Information portal to ensure our website users were informed with timely, accessible and relevant health promotion and health practice information and resources as they became available.
We contacted the National Aboriginal and Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) to inform them of the development of the portal as we felt this portal would be of particular interest to not only NACCHO member services but to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander wider community and health services. It was agreed that having a prominent location on the HealthInfoNet website would be beneficial for NACCHO member services and that any new portal should include links to the Respiratory health and Infectious conditions sections on the HealthInfoNet.
When first developed, the COVID-19 Update and Information portal had a range of Government and NACCHO content, however this soon grew to include health promotion and health practice resources from health organisations across Australia. NACCHO member services were encouraged to send information about resources as they were developed to the HealthInfoNet to review and add to the Portal. The Portal is monitored daily with new resources and relevant information added as soon as it becomes available. There is a range of health promotion and health practice resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, communities and health professionals. Direct links to the Department of Health, HealthDirect and NACCHO are available along with a link to the COVID safe app.
Health promotion information include radio and video recordings in both Aboriginal languages and English, easy to read resources for those people with learning disabilities or who speak English as a second language and guides for funerals and Sorry Business. Health practice resources include information for service providers information such as healthy practices during the coronavirus pandemic and on accessing Aboriginal communities.

Contact me for a quick tour of any section that interests you or to help you access the resources you need in your work.
Michelle Elwell
Senior Research Officer
Ph: (08) 9370 6597 Mob: 0402 866 374
Email: m.elwell@ecu.edu.au
Michelle Elwell joined the HealthInfoNet team in 2012 and has research responsibility for several health areas including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers, healing, diabetes, physical activity and cultural ways, nutrition and COVID-19 portal. Michelle’s involvement in these areas of health is based on her tertiary qualifications which include a Masters in Public Health and a Certificate in Diabetes Education.