There has never been a more exciting time to be involved in rural and remote mental health. Since our last symposium, 5 states and territories have released their mental health plans/strategies and the Commonwealth has committed to local solutions and autonomy.
Now in its 8th year, the Australian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium will be held from 2 - 4 November 2016 at the stunning location of Mantra on Salt Beach, Kingscliff, NSW, less than 15 minutes’ drive from Gold Coast Airport.
Registration for this important event is open online with early bird closing 21 September. Process your registration now and save $100 off the registration fee. Click here to book!

The Hon Sussan Ley MP
Our exceptional line up of Keynote Speakers will include:
The Hon Sussan Ley MP
Sussan Ley’s career path has been wonderfully varied, with odd jobs on the way to a pilot’s license - roles as an air traffic controller, stock-mustering pilot and occasional shearer’s cook followed!
On the election of the Abbott Government in September 2013, Sussan took on the role of Assistant Minister for Education before being appointed Minister for Health and Minister for Sport in December 2014.
Scientia Professor Helen Christensen
Scientia Professor Helen Christensen, is an Australian mental health researcher with an interest in using the Internet to prevent suicides. She is Director of the Black Dog Institute, at the University of New South Wales and a National Health and Medical Research Council John Cade Fellow.
Professor Jane Farmer
From 2010-16, Professor Jane Framer worked at La Trobe University, as Head of the Rural Health School and latterly as Associate Pro Vice Chancellor, Research in the College of Science, Health & Engineering.
Jane has just moved back to a research role as Professor of Social Innovation at the Centre for Social Impact, Swinburne University.
Mr David Meldrum
David is the Executive Director of the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia, a federation of long-standing member organisations delivering specialist services for individuals and families. MIFA members operate out of nearly 150 locations across Australia. After nearly 30 years working in and around the mental health sector, David is excited by the broader perspectives of recent years, driven in part by the influx of workers at all levels.
Ms Susan Moylan-Coombes
Susan uses her expertise to work with mainstream organisations and communities in the provision of cultural competency and immersion sessions as well as social planning processes. Susan is part of the group known as the Stolen Generations and has lived experience of the trauma associated with removal, loss, dispossession and disconnection.
Dr Vahid Saberi
Vahid is Chief Executive Officer, North Coast PHN, Adjunct Professor, School of Health & Human Science, Southern Cross University and Senior Research Fellow, Sydney University.
Vahid has managed a wide range of services from acute specialist hospitals, to all aspects of primary and community health care.
Professor Nick Titov
Professor Nick Titov is passionate about increasing access to mental health services. Nick is Co-Director of the eCentreClinic at Macquarie University.
Nick is also Project Director of the MindSpot Clinic, an Australian national online mental health service that provides virtual assessment and treatment for adults with anxiety and depression.
Associate Professor Philip Ward
Professor Ward is the Director of the Schizophrenia Research Unit, based at Liverpool Hospital, a part of South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD). He also serves as Postgraduate Research Coordinator for the School of Psychiatry, UNSW. He also provides expert research and evaluation oversight for the Keeping the Body in Mind Program, based in South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD).
For further information and to book your registration visit the conference website: