The pandemic had an impact on almost everyone’s mental health. Many folks lost their jobs, and those who were able to work remotely during lockdowns may have struggled to stay healthy in a cluttered home environment.
But now is a great time to start working on improving your mental health. We’re cautiously preparing to exit the pandemic, and life is starting to look “normal” again.
If you are struggling with a mental health condition, a medical professional is key to diagnosing and providing you with the best treatment. But, for many people, the key to improving your mental health is simple: form healthier habits.
Here are a few healthy habits that can improve your physical and mental health.
Drink More Water
We all lead busy lives. This makes it much easier to reach for another cup of coffee or tea during the day, and something alcoholic in the evenings. However, drinking clean water is vital for both your physical and mental health.
Experts recommend drinking around 8 - 10 fluid cups of water a day. This will keep you mentally alert and will ensure that your body has enough fluid to take care of normal functions. You also don’t need to spend any cash on bottled water — tap water is just as good for you.
However, many folks don’t realise that water quality is incredibly important. Poor water quality in your home can lead to a chalky taste from the tap that’s hard to ignore. Additionally, burst pipes or contaminated water sources can be terrible for your health and lead to conditions like hepatitis and giardiasis. It's worth testing your tap water once in and while and investing in a simple water filter that you can keep in your fridge.
To form a healthier hydration habit, aim to drink water with every meal, and whenever you feel thirsty.
Sleep and Naps
Most folks know that they should get 8-10 hours of sleep a night, but few of us actually do. However, if you’re struggling with your mental health then you simply must hit the hay a little earlier to get enough sleep. That’s because sleep deprivation is associated with depression, anxiety, and ADHD.
Even if you get a full night's sleep, some days simply zap your energy and can leave you feeling exhausted. When this happens, it might be a good idea to take a power nap to sharpen your focus and improve your mental wellbeing.
However, a power nap should not turn into a full-on snooze session. Experts recommend napping for around 10-20 minutes to maximise the benefits. If you nap too long, you’ll feel groggy, as your body will be pulled out of an early sleep cycle and will want to return to a sleep state.
You can form a healthy napping habit by putting aside a part of your lunch break for a nap or by returning to the same relaxing place every day for your daily snooze.
Exercise Frequently
You don’t have to become a marathon runner or bodybuilder to enjoy the benefits of exercise for mental health. Even light exercise like gentle yoga, walking, or swimming can give you a dopamine boost and help burn off anxious energy.
That’s because exercise has many health benefits, which will all improve your mental health over time. Frequent exercise helps raise your metabolism, so you can achieve any weight-related goals you might have. It also acts as a stress-buster, as physical activity releases cortisol which helps combat both acute and chronic stress.
The best way to form an exercise habit is to join an exercise group or sports team. This will keep you accountable and will allow you to meet new people who are also love to break a sweat and have a good time.
Taking a proactive approach to your mental health can give boost your energy and help you overcome chronic stress. Start by taking care of the basics: drink enough water, exercise frequently, and try to get 8 - 10 hours of sleep a night. Over time, you’ll develop your own habits that help you feel great and improve your overall mental health.
Author - Katie Brenneman