It’s time we talked to our kids about suicide

Daily Mercury

DON'T let our kids' calls go unanswered.

The Daily Mercury in conjunction with Grapevine Group has launched a petition to Mackay's principals urging them to get the suicide prevention program SafeTALK into their schools.

With suicide rates in Mackay higher than the national average, our kids are hurting and it's time we tackled the issue directly.

Queensland education minister Kate Jones pointed out SafeTALK as a potential way to fight the issue.

"Suicides are devastating tragedies that have lasting impacts on school communities," Ms Jones said.

"I know principals, teachers and school staff across our state are committed to supporting students at risk of or affected by the impacts of suicide.

"A range of programs, including SafeTALK, are available for schools to raise awareness and reduce stigma.

"We need to continue to talk about this to break down barriers and support young people in need."


  •  In an emergency call: 000
  •  Mackay Integrated Mental Health: 4968 3893
  •   Lifeline: 13 11 14
  • Men's Line: 1300 789 978
  • beyondblue: 1300 224 636
  • Headspace: 4898 2200

View the original article here.

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