PTSD000 for Frontline Emergency Workers

The impact of trauma can often be a silent spectre, affecting the lives of frontline emergency workers and their families in our community. Recognising the unique challenges these valued community members face is why our Pine Rivers Private Hospital team is proud to announce the development of the specialised program PTSD000 for frontline emergency workers experiencing symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD000 is a trauma-informed Cognitive Behavioural Therapy program designed to provide best-practice treatment that includes access to professional and peer support, enabling enhanced insight into the biological, psychological, and social impacts of trauma.
Pine Rivers Private Hospital is a Mental Health Facility dedicated to providing both inpatient and outpatient care to individuals experiencing mental illness or dependency issues.
Our multidisciplinary team, including psychologists (Clinical, Health and Clinical Neuropsychologists), Psychiatrists, Registered Nurses and Exercise Physiologists, worked together to develop PTSD000 to provide a holistic approach to addressing the needs of frontline workers affected by trauma. The group is targeted towards Firefighters, Police, Corrections and Ambulance workers, past or present. PTSD000 offers participants a robust foundation of knowledge from which they can begin recovery. The program creates a safe and understanding environment amongst peers and helps normalise the trauma response.
Our program is designed to be intensive and runs for 10 weeks on Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00am to 2:15pm.
The sessions are facilitated by the same outstanding Registered Psychologists each week. We also have guest speakers attending, including Psychiatrists, neuropsychologists and previous participants, who will provide valuable insights into the neurobiology of PTSD and share their experiences with the group. Family members and support people are invited to attend the program for two full days. The presence of family members and support people in the program is a highly valuable experience.
Participants are equipped with practical tools and strategies to manage high levels of distress, nightmares, flashbacks and co-morbid mental health issues that often accompany PTSD. PTSD000 has been carefully designed to explore themes common amongst frontline workers with PTSD symptoms, such as issues related to safety, trust, power/control, self-esteem and intimacy. Through this exploration, the program fosters adaptive coping strategies, supports clinical stabilisation, and assists in re-engagement with valued functional activities.
In October 2023, we launched PTSD000 for the first time.
We are pleased to announce that all participants in our first cohort reported a consistent reduction in PTSD symptom severity by the midway point and at the end of the program. Moreover, the participants have provided highly positive feedback about the group, emphasising its value. They have strongly recommended this program to their peers and have volunteered as guest speakers for the upcoming cohort, which is scheduled to run throughout this year.
For mental health workers referring eligible patients, PTSD000 offers an opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of those who have given so much to our community. By referring to this program, you provide a pathway to recovery. To participate in PTSD000, all patients must be referred by, and remain under the care of, an accredited psychiatrist of Pine Rivers Private Hospital.
A referral to our psychiatrist can be made via the patient’s GP or other relevant medical specialist (e.g., a private psychiatrist). Your patients will be eligible to participate in the program if they have or are currently working as frontline emergency workers, including firefighters, police, corrections and ambulance and have a diagnosis of a Mental Disorder or Addictive Disorder, including symptoms of PTSD. Patients will need adequate cognitive functioning to enable appropriate engagement in the program, willingness to actively engage, commitment to recovery, and being physically independent.
The specific treatment goals of the program include and are not limited to psychoeducation about PTSD and the neurobiology of PTSD, developing mindfulness and grounding skills, acquisition of distress tolerance skills, nightmare/flashback management, understanding the window of tolerance, exposure tasks, behavioural activation, cognitive restructuring techniques and relapse prevention and wellness planning.
The PTSD000 program aims to be a community that provides support, understanding, and shared experiences. It is an invitation to frontline emergency workers and their families to become equipped with the knowledge, skills and support they need to navigate the challenges of PTSD.
Our next intake into the PTSD 000 program commences in 11th July, 2024.
For more information on PTSD and this program visit this website Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) & Complex PTSD :: Pine Rivers Private Hospital