In 2014, only 70% of the Australians who needed mental health care received professional help. This figure has increased from 47% in 2010 and the 34% in 2007 and the improvement may reflect greater accessibility to services and the greater awareness of mental health treatment options.
Still, there remains a large gap between the number of people who need professional help and those who who receive it.

Dr Jan Orman
Dr Jan Orman, General Practice Services Consultant, Black Dog Institute will present on the use of technology to help in mental health care at the 16th International Mental Health Conference 12-14 August at QT Gold Coast.
Many practitioners are still not aware that there are reliable evidence-based, locally-developed resources and treatment programs on the internet. The eMHPrac project is a Federally Funded project that aims to educate GPs and allied mental health professionals about the reliable online resources that are available and how to use them in clinical practice.
This presentation will provide an overview of these resources, including portals, websites and online treatment programs that are available for practitioners to recommend to their patients with mild to moderate common mental health conditions and to discuss ways of integrating these resources into their care.
To find out more about this presentation or to view the full Conference Program, please visit the conference website here.
Early Bird discount registration ends Friday 3 July 2015. Book now to secure your place.