Thanks to the advent of technology, it is a world of apps and social media that are teeming with exciting but sometimes distracting content.
Rather than ponder over social media all day, you can invest your time in self-care activities that are sure to boost your mental health:
1. Amend your diet
You are what you eat; continually feeding your body with the nutritional requirements will replenish your energy and subsequently influence your wellbeing.
Today, making a change as small as including greens in meals that you consume daily will boost your physical and mental wellbeing.
2. Exercise daily
Every day, make sure that you schedule at least five minutes of exercise for yourself. There is a long list of the benefits of exercise.
With a short as five minutes workout, you can start your day with a kick physically and, most importantly, mentally. Get your blood pumping with strength training exercises, take a shower afterward, and you are sure to get a clear head.
3. Try yoga or pilates
Yoga and Pilates are not just ways of training flexibility; they help you relax and help to strengthen your core.
You can also try combining both exercise regimes. This way, you work to strengthen your core, lengthen your side body, and improve your alignment.
4. Dance
This can be done with your loved ones or be an individual activity. It can be as simple as a night-out dancing or more prepared like signing up for special themed classes: Waltz.
5. Go for a bike ride
This exercise is unique because it can be done at any time of the day. It can also be done individually, with your partner or with a close friend.
6. Play a game
There are so many games out there; board or otherwise. Play one to relax, boost your mental wellbeing (and indulge your competitive streak).
7. Practice meditation
Take time out to find out and learn a meditation routine. Meditation is one of the best self-care routines you can practice because it reduces stress and anxiety, improves memory, decreases pain, and improves your sleep.
8. Prepare and eat a meal mindfully 
Try out a new recipe today; it doesn't have to be extraordinarily fancy but just enough to occupy your thoughts. This way, you enjoy the process of preparing it yourself and, subsequently, derive pleasure eating.
9. Enjoy a quiet cup of tea
Make yourself your favorite cup of tea and curl up in a comfy chair to enjoy it without any other distractions.
10. Get yourself a massage
This can be as frequent as you want it to be. Just ensure that you get one every month; massages are therapeutic both physically and emotionally.
A skilled masseuse can work out all of the built-up tension in your body, which in turn allows you to release any stored emotional pain or anxiety.
On a final note, make sure to reassess your priorities. When you start to get overly busy and distracted, nearly everything may seem like it should be at the top of your list.
However, taking time out to reassess your priorities and putting self-care above social media will do you a lot of good. Remember, nothing beats having complete mental wellbeing as you become more productive.
Author’s bio: Cheryl Hearts is a passionate journalist from Boston, Massachusetts. She decided to dedicate her life to writing because she thinks this way she can be the most useful for the community. After obtaining a Master's degree in Journalism, Cheryl started running her own blog where she’s covering topics of great interest to society.