7 Treatment Strategies for Insomnia

When was the last time that you went to bed at a reasonable hour? Are you pulling all-nighters every other day because of some office project? Or do you spend your nights overthinking small moments and bizarre ideas? Not getting a good night’s sleep can take a toll on your mental and physical health, resulting in insomnia. The rising work pressure, unhealthy life choices have all messed up our biological clock.
A majority of people in the cities are suffering from sleeping disorders. Insomnia is a condition where a person is unable to sleep for a significant amount of time. Sleep rejuvenates the mind and resets your body for the next day. Not getting ample rest affects your mental health, productivity and fitness. Here are some of the best tried and tested strategies to cure insomnia.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Are you losing sleep over that promotion? Does the thought of climate change or the rise of anarchy give you a panic attack? Well, the world is messed up, and there is nothing you can do about it. Cognitive-behavioural therapy helps you condition your brand and eliminate negative thoughts. Here are some of the techniques that doctors recommend as part of the CBT process:
Light Therapy
Light therapy is when you train your mind into feeling sleepy once it gets dark. You may have to revamp your bedroom a bit for this technique. Make it a point to get in bed by midnight. Light is a tool to customise your biological clock.
Stimulus Therapy
Stimulus therapy involves conditioning your brain into believing that the bed is meant just for sleep and can assist with insomnia. Refrain from doing anything else in the bedroom. Keep away your phones, remove all other gadgets, don’t plan your meals in bed- it all has to stop. Slowly your body would automatically adjust to the pattern and fall asleep the minute your head touches the pillow
Declutter your Bedroom
One of the easiest ways to clear your head is to go on a cleaning spree. The bedroom is perhaps one of the most private, intimate spaces. Decorate it in a way that makes you feel relaxed, warm and welcomed. Change the linens, have plush mattresses and pillows, add bed lights to create a calming atmosphere.
Remove everything else from the bedroom that might serve as a distraction. The TV, the play station and the mobile phone have to go. Also, make it a point to avoid napping during the day. This would ensure that you are tired enough to get a solid 8-hour shut-eye at night.
Go on a Digital Detox
Smartphones have usurped every living moment. They are no longer the shape and size of a brick, used only for making calls. These days, everything we want is available at our fingertips. We no longer live in the real world. Twitter followers rule our days and Facebook likes have hogged our every waking moment. Well, the addiction to technology needs to stop if you want a night of peaceful sleep.
Go on a digital detox, don’t stay glued to your phone or laptop all night long. Stop scrolling through cat videos and Instagram posts at 2 in the morning! It takes a lot of perseverance and practice, but cutting away your social media time works wonders for your sleep cycle and can help with insomnia.
Manipulate your Mind
Sick of those vicious thoughts that seem to suck you in the dead of night? Your brain seems to be on overdrive when the sun goes down. This might sound a bit twisted, but you can manipulate your mind to stop overthinking!
Most people would advise you to stop thinking or cut some slack to cope with your stress. Your depression and mental health are not imaginary- they are valid and require equal attention. Giving free rein to your thoughts is a quick way to dispel them. Don’t try to sleep; instead, try to stay awake.
Consult a Professional
Balancing work and personal life is not an easy task. The ever piling deadlines and the stress of personal commitments can take a toll on anyone. More and more people are having mental health issues. Depression, anxiety and other psychological disorders have become especially rampant over the past few years.
Everyone has gone through the agony of sleepless nights when the pressure of the world feels unbearable. I would recommend that you get an appointment with a reliable psychiatrist. Getting professional help is a liberating feeling. A suppressed trauma, a bad experience or an untoward incident can manifest itself in various ways, including insomnia. Talk it out, unload your burden- it is a cathartic experience.
Some Lifestyle Changes
If you want to cure your sleeping disorders, then some serious lifestyle changes are in order. Obesity, addictions, and irregular schedules all affect your body clock. Shed those kilos, drop those cigarettes, say no to the glass of wine before bed. Some simple choices go a long way in ensuring that you live a healthier, happier life.
Pay attention to what you eat. Avoid indulging in binge eating junk food, instead have healthier alternatives that add on to your strength and stamina. Burn the calories that you have gained. Our modern-day lifestyle gets us mentally exhausted but is not physically taxing.
Meditation and Yoga
The world is chaotic, and it can get the best of us. It is easy to give up and lose perspective. Getting back up and living a disciplined life is what takes real courage. Other than the hardcore workout routine, you should also focus on becoming more mindful and aware. Devote an hour or so every day to sit quietly and practice breathing exercises. Meditation, when combined with yoga, proves even more useful. It is a rejuvenating process that gives you the boost to kick start your day.
Author Bio:
Mary Jones is the co-founder & editor-in-chief at TopMyGrades, which focuses on Content Marketing Strategy for clients from the Education industry in the US, Canada & UK. Mary has conducted a series of webinars for AssignmentEssayHelp as assignment expert. She has extensive content editing experience and has worked with MSNBC, NewsCred & Scripted. She has also authored blogs on Lifehack.org, Wn.com, Medium.com, Minds.com and many more digital publications.