Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone: Recovery from Addictive Behaviours

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone—so true.

What is Horticultural Therapy and How Does it Work?

Let nature be your stress buster

Here’s How Instagram Will Use AI To Take On Its Bullying Problem

Instagram is rolling out a comment-filtering technology today that will automatically hide bullying comments on the social network.

Present at the 10th Australian Rural & Remote Mental Health Symposium

The 10th Australian Rural & Remote Mental Health Symposium will this year be held over 15 – 17 October 2018 at the Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart,...

 5 Factors That Affect Your Mental Health

Taking care of your mental health requires more than a weekly meditation session and a spare 10 minutes to sit and recharge.

Addiction and Recovery: What Do Addicts REALLY Need?

Whenever I hear clients repeating themselves in our therapy sessions, I take notice.

Addiction and Codependency: Top 10 Reasons to Stop Enabling the Addict You Love - Part 2

I’m hoping that Part One of this article got you thinking about some of the potential ways you may be enabling the addict in your life, so that you...

Girls with Autism Flying Under the Radar but New Guidelines Could Help Doctors with Diagnosis

Emma Taylor spent her whole life believing that something was wrong with her.

Addiction and Codependency: Top 10 Reasons to Stop Enabling the Addict You Love - Part 1

We all know that addiction is rampant—it’s a horrific problem for far too many people, all over the world. And even though ‘addiction’ can take many...

A third of corporate Australia is feeling stressed, anxious and depressed

Australian workplaces are increasingly suffering from depression, anxiety and stress, according to a large study of mental health in corporate...