Managing the Ups and Downs of Mental Health

Learning how to manage the ups and downs of your mental health is more important than ever before. Today, two in five Australians have experienced a...

6 Surprising Ways To Boost Your Mental Health

Mental health is a critical aspect of your overall well-being, but it's not always easy to shake up your habits and find solutions that make a real...

Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist: Time To Set The Record Straight

Mental Health Benefits of Going Green: Why It Feels So Good

The following article was kindly written and contributed by Arslan Hassan.


The Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association (ANZMH Association) is proud to host the upcoming Mental Health Connect Online Expo, one of...

Harmful Gambling and Poor Mental Health in New Zealand

“I’d never been to counselling before and felt it was a very special and healing experience.”

Mental Health Matters: Why Taking Care of Your Mind Is Good for Your Whole Body

Mental health stigma stops us from asking our doctors about depression symptoms, from taking sick days when our mental health is suffering, and from...

Are You Ready to Learn a New C-Word?

They are the people collecting your patient from the mental health unit…

3 Mistakes You Make Every Day That Harm Your Mental Health

Dementia Care Tips Caregivers Wish They Knew Sooner

Being a caregiver may not be an easy task and may not always come naturally. Some may need training, while others may need a to-do list.