Mental Health and the Law

Caroline Counsel worked for many years at VCAT in the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal hearing cases against solicitors. They were often isolated,...

Quality of Life in Caregivers of a Family Member with Serious Mental Illness

Authors: Anli Leng1, Caifen Xu2, Stephen Nicholas3, Jennifer Nicholas4, Jian Wang1

Overview of Domestic Violence Literature and Research

The review of the literature and research over time presents a developmental picture of the issues and understanding of Domestic Violence.

Empowering Women, Empowering Lives - Post-Separation and Beyond

Empowering Women, Empowering Lives - Post-Separation and Beyond

Social Exclusion and Addiction: “Creating a Sense of Belonging”

Social Exclusion and Addiction: “Creating a Sense of Belonging”

The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (RFDS) Mental Health Team Update

Update regarding the Southeast Section of the RFDS Mental Health Team – by Glynis Thorp, Project Officer and Credentialed Mental Health Nurse.

Adolescent Internet Addiction

The roles of Parent-and-Child Mental Health and Parental Internet Addiction in Adolescent Internet Addiction

Collaboration and partnerships within an integrated response.

Gold Coast Police Domestic and Family Violence Taskforce - Collaboration and partnerships within an integrated response.

18th International Mental Health Conference

The 18th International Mental Health Conference will be held at the Conference Centre, Sea World Resort, Gold Coast, Queensland from Monday 21 –...

Tall Poppies: Bullying behaviours faced by Australian High Performance School-Age Athletes

Recent Research has found that Australian school-age female athletes are bullied by their peers because of their sporting successes. Twelve high...