Domestic and family violence and co-occurring mental health issues and addictions

Mrs Bronwyn Morris Accredited Mental Health Social Worker, Like Mental Health.


SuperFriend is a national mental health promotion foundation that partners with ‘all profit to member’ superannuation funds and their associated...

Stopping the inter-generational transmission of violence and aggression

Child and adolescent conduct disorders include aggression, violence, rule-violation and anti-social behaviours. Untreated, these disorders predict...

Student nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards domestic violence

Student nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards domestic violence Oral presentation at Stop Domestic Violence Conference, Brisbane, 2016

Using Technology to Close the Gap in Mental Health Care

Most health professionals would agree that not everyone in Australia with a mental health problem gets the help that they need. Anecdotal evidence in...

The Efficacy of a Self-Help Program for Women Survivors of Domestic Violence

According to the Australian Personal Safety Survey (ABS, 2012), 16.9% of women (1,479,900) and 5% of men (448,000) have experienced violence from an...

Evaluation of Recovery-Oriented Programme for the Persons with Severe Mental Illness (SMI) in Hong Kong

Using Innovative Recovery Journal into Practice: Evaluation of Recovery-Oriented Programme for the Persons with Severe Mental Illness (SMI) in Hong...

Supporting consumer self-management through staff education

Supporting consumer self-management through staff education: The sensory approaches e-Learning project

Key Issues around Peer Workers within regional contexts

Hurley, J., Hutchinson, M., Cashin, A., & Kozlowski, D. School Health and Human Sciences, Southern Cross University.

Help us beat rural suicide

Suicide rates in Australia's rural farming areas are higher than those of the general population (particularly for males), increasing the likelihood...