Focus On Love and Young People Will Change Their Defensive Behaviours

You learn a lot listening to people’s stories. We don’t do much of it in our society; the more I facilitate the more I see our destructive societal...

Comprehensive Universal School-Based Early Child Screening

Comprehensive Universal School-Based Early Child Screening: Selecting item clusters, for the prediction and prevention of mental illness in...

Partner, Exhibit or Advertise at the 18th International Mental Health Conference!

The Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association is dedicated to sharing knowledge, connecting professionals, engaging the community,...

Core Values Therapy

Working with people with Mental Health and conflict issues

Experts Blame Unemployment on the Unemployed

Most people recognise the folly of blaming the victim, yet they don't always recognise when they're doing it. Today, many well intentioned...

Present at the 18th International Mental Health Conference this August!

Don’t miss your opportunity to present at the 18th International Mental Health Conference, being held at the Conference Centre, Sea World Resort,...

Working With Survivors and Offenders of Domestic and Family Violence

Indigenous Spirituality As A Theoretical Approach: Working With Survivors and Offenders of Domestic and Family Violence in community.

Mental Health and the Law

Caroline Counsel worked for many years at VCAT in the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal hearing cases against solicitors. They were often isolated,...

Quality of Life in Caregivers of a Family Member with Serious Mental Illness

Authors: Anli Leng1, Caifen Xu2, Stephen Nicholas3, Jennifer Nicholas4, Jian Wang1

Overview of Domestic Violence Literature and Research

The review of the literature and research over time presents a developmental picture of the issues and understanding of Domestic Violence.