Insurance industry stuck in 'dark ages', say mental health advocates

Seventeen-year-old Ella Ingram was beyond excited about her upcoming school trip to New York. Everything was booked, she was ready and raring to go....

How the brain changes in Alzheimer’s disease: a new view

The Conversation

More Indigenous psychologists needed to address gaps in mental health

In September, the Australian Psychology Society (APS) issued a monumental apology to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. It was a formal...

Australians call for a more accurate visual representation of mental illness

Australia’s national mental health charity, SANE Australia, and Getty Images, the world’s leader in visual communications, partnered together...

Being bullied as a kid makes you twice as likely to be an overweight adult

We know that being called names in the playground takes an enormous toll on your mental health – but it can directly affect your waistline, too.

Mental illness and family access to health information.

Australia’s medical law is based on the principle of autonomy. A person becomes the sole decision maker about their medical treatment when he or she...

How to find a good app for mental health

Search for “stress”, “depression”, “anxiety”, or “mental health” in the app store on your mobile device and you are confronted with a bewildering...

Men much less likely to seek mental health help than women

Men are far less likely to seek medical support for a mental health problem than women, new figures reveal.

Aussie men battling depression and anxiety associated with the ‘man-boob’

Despite the recent trend of the ‘dad bod’, more than 30,000 Aussie men battle depression and anxiety associated with the ‘man-boob’.

What can you do for men’s health this Movember?

Movember is a global awareness month which shines a light on men’s health issues including mental health, prostate and testicular cancer. The...