Introducing Dr. Vahid Saberi

Dr. Vahid Saberi: The long journey from concept & reality - experiences & lessons in rural NSW

Introducing Session Speaker Ms Claire Lynch

Ms Claire Lynch, Occupational and Diversional Therapy Manager at Western NSW Local Health District will present on the topic of The Far West Mental...

LikeMind: Integrated Service Model for People with Mental Health Needs

Mr Liam Huynh, Principal Policy Officer, Mental Health Branch at the NSW Ministry of Health will be presenting at the upcoming Rural and Remote...

Lessons for Digital Mental Health Reform

‘The 2014 Report by the National Mental Health Commission recommended increasing access to digital mental health services (DMHS). Such services have...

Introducing Mr Christopher Banks, Online Communities Manager, Beyond Blue.

Mr Christopher Banks will present on the topic of The Digital Bridge: Tracking Recovery and Service Connection for Regional and Rural Australians in...

Introducing Scientia Professor Helen Christensen

Scientia Professor Helen Christensen, is an Australian mental health researcher with an interest in using the Internet to prevent suicides. She is...

Introducing Session Speaker Dr Alison Kennedy

Dr Alison Kennedy, Research Fellow, National Centre for Farmer Health will present at the upcoming 8th Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium on ...

Mr David Meldrum, National CEO, Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia.

The 8th Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium brings together leaders in Australian mental health presenting and sharing the latest developments...

Let's Call Mental Health Stigma What It Really Is: Discrimination

It’s no secret that there’s a veil of shame surrounding mental illness.

Gold Coast groups to alleviate alarming suicide rates in men

Men's groups are playing a key role in addressing depression and the alarming rate of suicide among older men.