Aboriginal Mental Health Workers in Rural NSW

Australia’s rural community mental health (CMH) services face serious workforce shortages. Research specifically investigating factors impacting...

Harvesting Your Health

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) individuals and communities continue to be a topic of focus in Australia, a nation founded on an...

13 Signs of Potential Mental Illness in a Child

Most parents have an instantaneous desire to protect their children. We tend to our children’s needs: If an unexplained rash appears, we see the...

Precarious Work and Health: The Roles of Organisational Justice and Work-Life Conflict

Precarious employment is considered to be a significant determinant of health inequalities worldwide. However, the factors that influence this...

The Transfer of Information During Clinical Handover

The breakdown in the transfer of information during clinical handover is one of the most important contributing factors in serious adverse events and...

Journeys of Rural Mental Health Consumers

'Let me be the driver’ – I have removed the case’ - journeys of rural mental health consumers

Is Increased Mental Illness A Consequence Of Sobriety?

A common theme amongst people recovering from substance addiction is the development of increased mental health issues such as anxiety disorders...

Calls To Review Antipsychotic Use In Kids

An expert in child psychiatry says no child under the age of six should be prescribed an antipsychotic and would like to see a review of these...

Uncovering Emotional Abuse through Addressing Emotional Eating

Obese, BMI 33, the author overcame emotional eating using an EMDR addiction protocol. Visualising where and when she wanted to eat her comfort food,...

Support and Education for ADHD and LD Children in Japan

The 2017 Conference will be held at the Conference Centre, Sea World Resort, Gold Coast, Queensland from Monday 21 August – Wednesday 23 August 2017.