Webinar - national approach to mental health services

Submit your abstract for the National No 2 Bullying Conference

New FIFO Mental Health Research Released

Australian Mining

Fierce rivals UNSW and University of Sydney team up to improve mental health

The Sydney Morning Herald

Two in five new parents experience mental health issues, poll finds.

The Guardian

Family Drug Treatment Court Pilot Program Established

The Family Drug Treatment Court (FDTC) has been established as a three year pilot program in the Children's Court of Victoria. The aim of the Family...

Do one in two Australians suffer from a chronic disease?

The Conversation

Australian researchers develop 'world-first' guidelines for PTSD

ABC News

Join the Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association

The Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association is a non government, not for profit organisation. The advisory board representatives have a...

Expert calls for mental health shake-up

SBS News