New mothers are anxious – not depressed

The 14th International Mental Health Conference - Call for Papers Open

The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) and the Nationa Mental Health Commission of Australia - MOU

The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) and the National Mental Health Commission of Australia have signed a formal Memorandum of Understanding...

Reducing access to the means of suicide

Reducing access to the means of suicide By Samara McPhedran, Griffith University and Kairi Kolves, Griffith UniversityBrisbane Lord Mayor Graham...

Dr Philip Morris stands for election as President Elect of the RANZCP

Dr Philip Morris, the founder of the Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association is standing for election as President Elect of the RANZCP.



Mental Health and the Australian Population

Lewy body dementia

Dr James Galvin

Successful Mental Health Approach To Teenage Alcohol Prevention

Dr Patricia Conrod Targeted psychological interventions aimed at teenagers at risk of emotional and behavioural problems significantly...

The Association to support Psychs on Bikes in 2013

The Big Ride in April 2013 will be from Bathurst to Sydney… via Queensland.