Evaluation of an Australian primary mental health care program: 10 years on

Dr Bridget Bassilios

Harnessing technology to improve mental health

University of Sydney cross-disciplinary researchers are harnessing the benefits offered by advances in online technology to develop innovative...

Mental health spending rises to $6.9 billion, or $309 per Australian | News.com.au

Mental health spending rises to $6.9 billion, or $309 per Australian | News.com.au

New mothers are anxious – not depressed

The 14th International Mental Health Conference - Call for Papers Open

The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) and the Nationa Mental Health Commission of Australia - MOU

The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) and the National Mental Health Commission of Australia have signed a formal Memorandum of Understanding...

Reducing access to the means of suicide

Reducing access to the means of suicide By Samara McPhedran, Griffith University and Kairi Kolves, Griffith UniversityBrisbane Lord Mayor Graham...

Dr Philip Morris stands for election as President Elect of the RANZCP

Dr Philip Morris, the founder of the Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association is standing for election as President Elect of the RANZCP.



Mental Health and the Australian Population