Six Month Follow-Up on Risk Factors for Suicidal Ideation among College Students: A Longitudinal Examination

Study to be discussed at the 12th International Mental Health Conference on the Gold Coast in August 2011

Membership Survey Results Narcotics Anonymous Australia

Get Better by Surfing the Web?

Prof Helen Christensen Australians are increasingly turning to the internet for treatment of a wide range of health issues. While there are...

Mental Health Emergency Care – Rural Access Program (MHEC-RAP).

Madness in Family Law: Competing Discourses on Mothers' Mental Health in the Australian Family Law system

Dr Elspeth McInnes Mental illness stalks Australia's family law system. Not only do people with mental health problems have higher rates of...

What can health professionals do about social determinants of mental health?

Dr Matthew Fisher Public health research in developed countries consistently demonstrates that rates of the more common forms of mental...

3rd Rural & Remote Mental Health Symposium - Impacts & Outcomes

You are invited to join us in November 2011 when we will examine the impacts & outcomes of social, financial and environmental issues on Mental...

Types of Bipolar | Hypomania and Depression | Healthline

Bipolar disorder (also called bipolar disease or manic depression) is a serious mental illness that is marked by extreme—and in some cases, rapid or...

MYTHS EXPOSED: Stopping smoking does not make your mental illness worse!

Dr Mark Ragg Smoking is more common among people with mental illness than among the general population (32% versus under 20%). However,...

Depression - Causes and Symptoms