Girls with Autism Flying Under the Radar but New Guidelines Could Help Doctors with Diagnosis

Emma Taylor spent her whole life believing that something was wrong with her.

Addiction and Codependency: Top 10 Reasons to Stop Enabling the Addict You Love - Part 1

We all know that addiction is rampant—it’s a horrific problem for far too many people, all over the world. And even though ‘addiction’ can take many...

A third of corporate Australia is feeling stressed, anxious and depressed

Australian workplaces are increasingly suffering from depression, anxiety and stress, according to a large study of mental health in corporate...

Family Parenting Associated with Inattentive Traits of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Chinese Children and Adolescents

Increasing evidence has suggested both gene and environmental factors contributing to ADHD. The function of family, like parent-child relationship...

7 Foods to Improve Your Mental Health and Wellness

"You are what you eat" - every person at least once in their life.

The Importance of Sleep for Better Mental Health

A popular saying teaches us that “it’s hard to sleep when your heart is at war with your mind.”

Improved Mental Health Training for Undergraduate Nurses

Every year, around four million Australians experience a mental health condition and they deserve high quality health care, whenever and wherever...

“I Know I’m Enabling But . . .” Recovery from Addiction in the Family

After working with the loved ones of people struggling with addiction for nearly 30 years, I’m still amazed by how many come to their first session...

19th International Mental Health Conference - Abstract Submission Closing Soon!

Don’t miss your opportunity to present at the 19th International Mental Health Conference, being held over the 8th – 10th August 2018 at the RACV...

Connect with your Rural Mental Health Colleagues in Tasmania this October

The 10th Australian Rural & Remote Mental Health Symposium will this year be held over 15 – 17 October 2018 at the Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart,...