Combatting online bullying is different for girls and boys: here’s why

Demands for improving online safety continue to capture headlines, often for the worst reasons.. While this outcry has signalled renewed interest in...

Working therapeutically with people who hear distressing voices

One of the most debilitating symptoms of psychosis is the experience of hearing distressing voices. Research has demonstrated the benefits of helping...

What Is High Functioning Depression – And Could You Have It?

On the outside, you’re highly productive, successful and motivated. You have a big group of friends, a great job and seem to have life all sorted...

In Hard Times Hunter Farmers Must Focus on Mental Health, Experts Say

The traditional farmers’ approach to tough times might be to knuckle down and get on with the work at hand.

New Year’s Resolutions For Better Mental Health

Every new year we set about making New Year’s resolutions. Usually they’re related to our physical health: going on a diet, joining a gym or drinking...

Out Doors Inc. - A Mentally Healthy and Productive Workplace

Founded in 1987, Out Doors Inc. is a community managed mental health organisation. Our primary focus is to use the medium of outdoor adventure with...

The Effects on Mind and Body of Bullying in the Workplace

The boss humiliates you in a meeting before your co-workers. Your secretary gossips about you in the lunchroom spreading rumours about calls you...

2018 APS College of Clinical Psychologists Conference

Expand Your Mind. Challenge Your Thinking.

Victorian Researchers Awarded $270 Million to Develop Next Generation Breakthroughs

Melbourne's world-class researchers have been handed more than 40 per cent of Australia’s latest medical research funding to spearhead the next...

First Aid’s Mental Health Battle is Big

Ellison Bloomfield knows that immersing herself in the stories of individuals who have benefited from mental health first aid training is a...