Depression and Chronic Back Pain

By: William W. Deardorff, PhD, ABPP

Depression a global problem: It’s not just Westerners who get the blues

Depression and anxiety are found in every society in the world, debunking old theories that only Westerners get depressed.

Preventing obesity and poor physical health through assessment and ongoing monitoring

Dr Susanne Stanley aims to highlight the poor physical health of the mentally ill, paying particular attention to the high incidence of obesity,...

Australia’s first national e-mental health online portal

Australia’s first national e-mental health online portal has been launched today by the Federal Minister for Mental Health, the Hon Mark Butler MP.

Mental health needs high for indigenous

Michelle Henderson, AAP National Medical Writer

Carer Appraisal Scale - A Carer-Based Assessment of Patient Functioning

Measurement of patient outcomes is an integral part of mental health service evaluation, as well as guiding clinical practice to ensure best outcomes...

Studies suggest that even slight mental decline can harm health

MONDAY, July 16 (HealthDay News)

The Integration of Resolution with Recovery Principles for the Ageing Person

The “Australian National Standards for Mental Health Services 2010”, in conjunction with the “Implementation guidelines for Public Mental Health...

Empowering Peer Support Workers in Mental Health Service Delivery

Moving away from a deficits-approach, scholars have described recovery as a journey, in which a person:

Family Focus: promoting resilience and preventing mental illness in children of parents with depression and anxiety

Improved understanding of the processes that promote resilience in children of parents with a mental illness has resulted in the development of a...