Examining the impact on adult children caring for elderly parents with mental illness

Caring for elderly parents with mental illness It was hypothesized that the children of elderly parents with a long-standing mental illness...

'Surviving and Thriving' - a new culture in co-location

Who are Stepping Up?

Depression as a Physiological Disease – Implications for Prevention and Intervention

Dr Chris Stapelberg While major depressive disorder (MDD) was regarded as a purely psychological disorder in the past, increasing evidence...

Improving Employment Outcomes for People with a Mental Illness: Progress in the Hunter New England Region of NSW

Engagement in employment has been associated with significant financial, social and health benefits for people with a mental illness. However, as a...

Youth Ask the South Australian Government Not to Close Down Eating Disorder Unit

Young people have asked the South Australian government not to risk their lives by closing an eating disorder unit. As parliament sat for the second...

Mental illness can bring a massive paycut

Danny Rose, AAP From Sydney Morning Herald February 1, 2011

Flooding and it's Impact on Mental Health Australia - GP Fact Sheet

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) has developed a general practice fact sheet providing useful information and resources...

Thoughts on Carers & Consumers in Rural & Remote Areas in Australia

Carers - Rural and Remote:

How to help psychologically during – and after – the floods

The federal government says it is spending more than ever before on mental health services

The federal government says it is spending more than ever before on mental health services but admits it can do better.Mental Health Minister Mark...