ANZMHA Podcast: Natasha Anderson

How Harmful are Conversion Practices for Transgender People?

Transgender conversion practices occur when individuals are encouraged to repress their gender identity, present as cisgender, or are kept from...

Addiction in regional Victoria – One mother’s journey

Odyssey House Victoria (OHV)'s Circuit Breaker program provides a six-week, live-in rehabilitation program near Benalla in north-east Victoria for...

Australian Surfing Legend Mark 'Occy' Occhilupo Opens Up About His Battle with Alcohol Addiction

Australian surfing legend Mark 'Occy' Occhilupo opens up about his battle with alcohol addiction and his journey towards recovery at Aurora...

Family Violence Informed Practice in AOD Work

Odyssey House Victoria (OHV) is a state-wide, specialist treatment organisation dedicated to improving the lives of individuals who experience...

ANZMHA Podcast: Dr Andrew Khoo

7 Signs it's Time to Consult with Your Doctor About Anxiety

It is normal to feel anxious occasionally, especially before an important interview or test. However, if you find yourself feeling anxious more often...

Specialised Private Mental Health Treatment for People Struggling with Depression & Addiction

Addiction and mental health concerns often go hand in hand, with roughly 50 percent of individuals with severe mental health disorders also affected...

3 Ways to Better Care for Your Mental Health

Caring for your mental well-being is just as important as caring for any aspect of your physical wellness. Unfortunately, it is common for people to...

Working in Private Psychiatry:  Join a Hospital Leader & Advance Your Private Healthcare Career Today

This blog is written by Aurora Health, sponsors of the 2022 Australian & New Zealand Addiction Conference.