Supporting Mental Health: 3 Tips for Coping With Postpartum Depression

Most people have a basic idea of what postpartum depression (PPD) is, but often fail to recognise how debilitating it can be. Approximately 1 in 10...

ANZMHA Podcast: Rev Dr Rex Rigby

ANZMHA Podcast: Dr Mark Deady

ANZMHA Podcast: Simon Holloway

ANZMHA Podcast: Heather Nowak

Five ways to reduce your alcohol consumption

Follow counsellor and psychotherapist Andrew Howie’s tips to help you stay in control and cut back on drinking alcohol. If your drinking is becoming...

The importance of families in the recovery process

The last few months have given my colleagues and I – my ‘Odyssey family’ - a real opportunity to reflect on family and community. We’ve started to...

The very real risks of opioid dependence in Australia

Opioid use is at an all-time high1 with 3 million people using opioids across Australia and 1.9 million estimated to initiate opioids every year2 –...

ANZMHA Podcast: Cameron & Sharn Watts

Utilising Digital Mental Health Services for Addiction in Practice

Utilising Digital Mental Health Services for Addiction in Practice