Out Doors Inc. - A Mentally Healthy and Productive Workplace

Founded in 1987, Out Doors Inc. is a community managed mental health organisation. Our primary focus is to use the medium of outdoor adventure with...

The Effects on Mind and Body of Bullying in the Workplace

The boss humiliates you in a meeting before your co-workers. Your secretary gossips about you in the lunchroom spreading rumours about calls you...

MateCheck - The Award-Winning Mental Health and Safety Platform

MateCheck specialise in mental health and safety in the workplace. This unique and comprehensive platform has won numerous awards for its innovation...

Aboriginal Mental Health Workers in Rural NSW

Australia’s rural community mental health (CMH) services face serious workforce shortages. Research specifically investigating factors impacting...

Precarious Work and Health: The Roles of Organisational Justice and Work-Life Conflict

Precarious employment is considered to be a significant determinant of health inequalities worldwide. However, the factors that influence this...

Undergraduate Mental Health Nursing Students’ Perspectives On Consumer-Led Programs

The 2017 Conference will be held at the Conference Centre, Sea World Resort, Gold Coast, Queensland from Monday 21 August – Wednesday 23 August 2017.


Business CEOs and leader need to be seen actively embracing mental health in the workplace. It was found that about 55% of workers believed...

Should you tell your boss you have depression?

Spilling the beans to an understanding employer may help to improve your health and your career.