Sue Murray, Suicide Prevention Australia joins us

Sue Murray, CEO, Suicide Prevention Australia will present on a National Suicide Prevention Strategy 11-12 August

Dr Louise Byrne, Mental Health Lived Experience Leadership

Dr Louise Byrne on Mental Health Lived Experience Leadership

Darling Downs to adopt mental health reforms

Mental Health Reforms; Every year, about four million Australians suffer some form of mental health issue National healthcare reforms are expected to...

Frank Quinlan on the Future of Mental Health

Frank Quinlan, CEO, Mental Health Australia

Australian Mental Health Awards to recognise 'national emergency'

Dame Quintin Bryce, Australian Mental Health Awards

Professor Helen Herrman to Present on Youth Mental Health

Professor Helen Herrman, Centre for Youth Mental Health

David Butt, National Mental Health Commission presents

Mr David Butt, CEO, National Mental Health Commission

Professor Amanda Baker, Centre of Research Excellence on Healthy Lifestyles Approach

Professor Amanda Baker on Healthy Lifestyles Approach

The cost of mental health in the workplace

A mentally healthy workplace is good for business. Research shows it leads to less absenteeism, more-engaged workers, better productivity and morale....

QLD police working to remove stigma for officers suffering mental health issues

Senior Queensland police managers are hoping to break down the stigma of mental ill-health by encouraging more open discussion among officers.