How Can Emotional Support Animals Help?

The following article was kindly written and contributed by Lacey Nolan

How to Manage Your Depression

The following is a contributor article

5 Ways to Improve the Health and Safety of Your Workplace

Work health and safety laws in Australia require employers to provide a safe working environment for all their employees.

7 Tips to Strengthen Mental Health Before Exams

If you get stressed when exams are around the corner, you should know you’re not alone. The exam period is quite daunting for many students. Some...

5 Tips in 5 Minutes: Building a Mentally Healthy Workplace

It’s estimated that around two million Australians each year suffer from anxiety, and one million have depression, according to the Diversity Council...

Getting Out into the Great Outdoors to Boost Your Mental Health

The typical Australian has ‘broken up’ with the great outdoors, with ABC News reporting that the average adult spends 90% of their time indoors. The...

How to Stop Feeling Hopeless and Take Charge of Your Life

The following article was kindly written and contributed by Adela Belin.

Why Did I Disappear?

The following article has been kindly written and contributed by Jason Bosworth

Dating Someone with a Mental Health Illness

The saying that true love knows no bounds is absolutely correct – and those that suffer from mental conditions have every right in the world to the...

Hearing Voices Groups - Ideas for Structure and Content

The following article has been kindly written and contributed by Dr Mark Franks, Clinical Psychologist, Private Practice