Call for Abstracts for The 16th International Mental Health Conference closing 10 April

The 16th International Mental Health Conference will be held at the QT Hotel, Surfers Paradise from Thursday 13 August to Friday 14 August 2015. An...

Associate Professor Vijaya Manicavasagar to present Keynote at IMHC

Associate Professor Vijaya Manicavasagar, Director of Psychological Services and Director of the Psychology Clinic, Black Dog Institute, University...

Mental health patients facing cuts to crucial services amid funding uncertainty: experts

Published on ABC Radio Australia, Updated 24 March 2015, 10:50 AEDT by medical reporter Sophie Scott

Men and suicide: Know the warning signs

UNSW Australia released 17 March 2015, Author Dan Wheelahan

Professor Harvey Whiteford and Dr Alize Ferrari to present results of Global Burden of Disease Study 2013

Professor Harvey Whiteford and Dr Alize Ferrari to present Burden due to mental and substance use disorders: An analysis from the Global Burden of...

Mental health: People from poor and remote areas miss out on help

The largest ever study into mental health services in Australia has found that people in poorer areas are missing out on comprehensive care, with...

Emerald agencies get together to improve mental health

People with a mental illness don't just need services specifically related to mental health, they may also be using other services such as housing,...

Mental health risks expose companies

Mental health and wellbeing is the number one challenge facing organisations, according to a survey of safety and environmental workers conducted by...

Prof Tony Jorm, University of Melbourne to Speak at Mental Health Conference

The 16th International Mental Health Conference will be held at the QT Hotel, Surfers Paradise from 12 – 14 August 2015. The conference theme “Mental...

Major Funding Boost for the Treatment of Personality Disorders

Pictured left to right: Professor Brin Grenyer (Director Project Air Strategy), NSW Minister for Mental Health Jai Rowell MP, Karina Whitehurst...