Sponsorships and Exhibition Opportunities Available for the Australian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium

The Australian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium is now in its 7th year and will be held at the Novotel Forest Resort Creswick, Victoria 26-28...

Prof Terence V McCann to present on educating African migrant communities on mental health

Professor Terence V McCann from Victoria University will present at the 16th International Mental Health Conference on educating family members of...

Harry Lovelock from Australian Psychological Society to present on forced adoption

Harry Lovelock, Senior Executive Manager at the Australian Psychological Society will present at the 16th International Mental Health Conference at...

Professor Peter Harvey to present Keynote at 7th Australian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium

The 7th Australian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium Program Committee is pleased to announce Professor Peter Harvey from the Greater Green...

Sue Barnes Presenting on Employer's Liability for Mental Health of Employees

Sue Barnes is a Partner with FCB Workplace Law and will be presenting on employer liability of employee's mental health at the 16th International...

Help available for depressed teens, parents

Article published by The Murray Valley Standard 18 May 2015

Professor David Kavanagh to present Keynote at 7th Australian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium

The 7th Australian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium Program Committee is pleased to announce Professor David Kavanagh from Queensland...

16th International Mental Health Conference Program has been released

The 16th International Mental Health Conference will bring together leading clinical practitioners, academics, service providers and mental health...

Australia lagging on funding for mental health services

Article Australia lagging on funding for mental health services, says Mental Illness Fellowship Published by ABC News 11 May 2015 By Katherine Gregory

‘ He never spoke of suicide ’: Brother says boys need to talk about mental health

Originally published by News.com.au on 8 May 2015