Partner, Exhibit or Advertise at the 18th International Mental Health Conference!

Don’t miss your opportunity to align with the 18th International Mental Health Conference, being held at the Conference Centre, Sea World Resort,...

Screening and psychiatric follow-up in pre-dialysis patients

Authors: DG Straatsburg, MD FRANZP; EA Hoekman; R Smulders; JG Lijmer, MD PhD

The Adult Step-up Step-down sub-acute residential service in Canberra, Australia.

Sub-acute residential services are a recent addition to the range of services available to assist people in their recovery from serious mental...

Self–Love, An Intrinsic Antidote to Bullying.    

Bullying may emotionally hurt people, however bullying does not have the power to determine people’s identity, self-love and mental health. This is a...

Psychometric Properties of the Management of Aggression and Violence Attitude Scale

Psychometric Properties of the Management of Aggression and Violence Attitude Scale in Hong Kong's Emergency Care Setting.

Abstract Submission Open for 2017!

We invite you to join us at the 9th Australian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium this year, being held at the Commercial Club, Albury, NSW...

Empowering consumers and carers across Victoria

Safeguarding rights, upholding the mental health principles and empowering consumers and carers across Victoria


Business CEOs and leader need to be seen actively embracing mental health in the workplace. It was found that about 55% of workers believed...

Join us at the 18th International Mental Health Conference

Don’t miss your opportunity to present at the 18th International Mental Health Conference, being held at the Conference Centre, Sea World Resort,...

Self–Love, The Key to Mental Health. A Positive Mental Health Future for All.

The opposite of mental illness, is mental health. Mental health is synonymous with self-love. Therefore, the solution to mental illness, is for...